THE EXTENDER design idea


Modern phones only have USB C and short battery life, compared to my old S3 with a µSD slot, headphone jack, and additional 18650 batteries to power it for 2 days stright


Build overcomplicated cursed fusion of a powerbank and USB hub that lets me attach more storage, connectors, and battery to the back of the phone.


When a USB C PD compliant device connects to the captive plug, the MCU negotiates for a power-to-phone, data-device situation, then enables the power to the USB hub and DAC and the 5V boost circuit powering the thumbdrive and phone
standby power efficiency is not too much of a concern, as the battery is quite lage and the device is meant to be attached to the phone all the time
MCU might get connected via USB instead of thumbdrive usb2, so i can (roughly) check battery level and such on phone


Bulkieness is fine, im very used to it ;)
will need some sort of flex-cable for captive USB C plug, or one of thoce cheapie 180° adapters and have the plug directly on the PCB
maybe i can use pinecils USB C PD stack??